Saturday, August 24, 2013

Shell Programming : 2

In My Previous tut we discus about kernel so in this tut we are going to learn about shell . where shell stand in Linux & what is the Importance of Shell & allot of things ....

So What is a Shell :  Basically shell is a user program or we can say program between users and Kernels . It is a command language interpreter that executes commands providing by user to perform the action on kernel. But it is not a part of kernel.

we knows computer can understand just only binary language - in the form of 0's & 1's so it is not easy to Remembers all things in binary language , This work is become easy due to shell . shell accepts users commands in simple English codes ( not all but mostly) & send it to kernel to manipulate instructions in working instructions.

There are various shell available with Linux some are :

  • BASH (Bourne-Again SHell)
  • CSH (C SHell )
  • KSH (Korn SHell )
  • TCSH etc
so here i have a que. how to check all shells in your Linux ?
we can check just by typing   cat /etc/shells in the terminals .. here cat is a shell command i will discus it later & etc/shells is a directory in the kernel. if i show you in my Sabayon terminal then we can check there are allot of shells.

Do not puzzles these all shells perform the same jobs but just they have there different commands syntex & having different built-in functions. In our windows there is similar MS-DOS with name shell COMMAND.COM it is used for same purposes , but not Powerful like our Linux Shells.

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